
2013年11月18日 星期一

Shankha 30天線上正念冥想練習.2:Day 0-2 環境準備


2013年11月14日 星期四

Where does the air go?

We might hear  this on the yoga mat before ," take a deep breath in ...and out...let the air go into your belly via nose and chest..." But...where does the air really go? Does air go into our stomach and intestines, so that we are able to make the movement of our belly?

2013年11月13日 星期三

Yoga Modling for Swiss Online Shop Christmas Flyer

Never expected yoga could be presented like this, but I enjoyed my W2 side bend with the robot :)

Prenatal - Labor - Post Natal Yoga teacher training in London Spring 2013

4 students from my regulare yoga flow class were pregnant between fall and winter 2012. To offer them the possibility of continuing practicing yoga in a proper way and to reduce the challengy they might face during their prenatal and postnatal peridod, I put myself in the intensive pregnancy yoga teacher training at Yoga Campus in London this Jan. and Mar. for in total 7 day training. 

2013年11月6日 星期三

Share of the Day -2

Donna Farhi is one of my favorite yoga teacher who leads me through her words of experience teaching/practicing yoga and being a yogi. Her book, Bringing Yoga to Life is on my shelf for a long time and for what happened to me and my friends recently, I took this book and contitnued my reading.

2013年11月5日 星期二

Shankha 30天線上正念冥想練習.1: Day 0/ 活動介紹




@ 適合對象:
a. 從來沒有冥想經驗,但卻極度有興趣,希望可以透過有系統的方式養成冥想習慣者。 
b. 曾經嘗試不同派別的冥想但卻無法持久,希望透過規律的每日線上練習,讓自己養成冥想習慣者。
c. 冥想老手,但卻想嘗試在歐美風行以久的正念冥想途徑(Mindfulness Meditation)
d. 純粹想找一種可以讓自己的心靜下來,並希望能夠不再被情緒綁架者

@ 報名方式:任何時候皆可開始,建議可依照各篇章的順序循序前進。

@ 活動辦法 :參考Shankha部落格每天所提供的冥想導入、導出步驟,每天固定在同一個時段同一個場所,進行冥想練習,並依個人意願透過部落格、email或臉書粉絲團提問與反饋。進行完30天自我練習的同學,歡迎加入每個新月與滿月夜晚,由July在線上帶領的正念冥想團練

@ 活動費用:免費

         再小的事,重複進行就會變成習慣、就會變成生活中的大事,冥想也是這樣,透過循序漸進的方式,一天一點的推演,相信他也會變成你生活中的一部分,讓你有勇氣面對內心深處的自己、找到與情緒共處的方式。出現在眼前的這扇門,要不要推開始自己的選擇,但唯有走進去,才能夠知道門後藏著甚麼 :)


Shankha 30天線上正念冥想練習.2:Day 0-2 環境準備

2013年11月1日 星期五

Share of the day -1

Something to share for today. After reading if you have some positive reaction in your mind, spray the energy to people around you, if nagative , keep it inside you and stay with it till you find out something under the emotional layer. Glad if you would share with me, totally fine if you don't. 

From <chapter July 7th, the book of life, daily meditation with Krishnamurti > by J. Krishnamurti - -

Understanding suffering

Why do we enquire “what is happiness?” Is tha t the right approach? Is that the right probing? We are not happy. If we were happy, our world would be entirely different; our civilization, our culture would be wholly, radically different. We are unhappy human beings, petty, miserable, struggling, vain, surrounding ourselves with useless, futile things, satisfied with petty ambitions, with money, and position. We are unhappy beings, though we may have knowledge, though we may have money, rich houses, plenty of children, cars, experience. We are unhappy, suffering, human beings, and because we are suffering, we want happiness, and so we are led away by those who promise this happiness, social, economic or spiritual...

What is the good of my asking if there is happiness when I am suffering? Can I understand suffering? That is my problem, not how to be happy. I am happy when I am not suffering, but the moment I am conscious of it, it is not happiness...So, I must understand what is suffering. Can I understand what is suffering when a part of my mind is running away seeking happiness, seeking a way out of this misery? So must I not, if I am to understand suffering, be completely one with it, not reject it, not justify it, not condemn it, not compare it, but completely be with it and understand it?
The truth of what is happiness will come if I know how to listen. I must know how to listen to suffering; if I can listen to suffering I can listen to happiness because that is what I am."