
2013年11月6日 星期三

Share of the Day -2

Donna Farhi is one of my favorite yoga teacher who leads me through her words of experience teaching/practicing yoga and being a yogi. Her book, Bringing Yoga to Life is on my shelf for a long time and for what happened to me and my friends recently, I took this book and contitnued my reading.

Coincidently, the following sentense on the page I started the day shoot right into my eyes of minds >>

Patanjali lists the five causes of suffering as :
*Avidyā / Ignorance of our eternal nature.
* Asmita / Seeing oneself as separate and divided from the rest of the world.
* Raga / Attraction and attachment to impermanent things
* Dvesha / Aversion to the unpleasant.
* Abhinivesha / Clinging to life because we fail to perceive the seamless continuity of consciousness, which cannot be broken by death.

And she continutly wrote that the ignorance is the root of the other 4 listed reasons. And that is exact what yoga could help us and the KEY I always reminds my students on mat "contnet to your breathing, your body, your mind, so that you learn yourselves better. See , hear, feel from your heart instead of your brain, so that you know better of the outter world."  Someitmes what we thought we know is just what the world controlled by other humen beings try to let us follow and be controlled. We are so indipendent and live togehter with other indipendent beings to make the enviroment under peace and calm.Only when we are able to follow our true hear,we could set ourselves free from suffering and the trap set by our emotions and egos.

Hopefully we could all able to face ourselves and see the otterworld with our heart, so that when suffering occured, we are able to  deal with it and live with it.

Have a wonderful day with smiles on your face and heart :)

Shanti Shanti Shanti Om~


* 無明...無法明白事情的真相與真實道理
* 自我...刻意將自己超脫世間一切的獨立個體
* 癡...被無常的事物所吸引,成癮後無法自拔
* 瞋...對於握在手中或無法掌握之事所引起的憤怒、仇恨等負面情緒
* 貪...貪戀著生活中因為無明所起的假象。

         在書中她接著又寫道,無明是其他四項原因的根本。這也就是為何我在瑜珈課上老是對學生強調:「連結你的呼吸、身體、思緒,好讓自己更認識自己。用心而不是用大腦去看、去聽、去感受,好看清我們外在的世界。」 常常我們以為我們熟知/熟悉的事物,其實是由其他操控著這個世界的上位者所設下,好讓整個社群維持一定程度的秩序,但那不一定是真實的,我們是獨立的個體,且與其他個體共同維持著整個大環境的和諧,用心看自己用心看周遭的事物,唯有當我們順著心的真正感受而活,我們才能將自己從痛苦中釋放、情緒與自我所設的陷阱中逃脫。
Shanti Shanti Shanti Om~

