
2013年3月5日 星期二

Final Relaxation / 大休息

最近有越來越多同學問到:「July ,是因為你還是瑜珈,為什麼大休息的時候我比在家睡覺前還放鬆?」我說那是你自己和瑜珈的功勞:每堂課開始前的一小段靜心呼吸,帶來初步放鬆;接著一串體位律動串起思緒和呼吸,且在每一次體位停留時沈入"靜"的境界。也因此最後大休息時,乘著音樂自然而然地來到睡前的極致放鬆境界。希望大家能夠好眠

Recently more and more people ask"July, is it because of you or yoga that made me fall in sleep during final relaxation ? I hardly feel the same before sleep ." I will say it is the art made by you and yoga: in the beginning of the course we settle down our mind by breathing, then we do the movement with consciousness but meditate in every posture. So that when the course toward the end your body is ready to let go and release. Together with the music you ride on and the words I give, your body,mind and spirit(?) land in between wholly relaxing and sleep;)
